65 – Do Video Calls Improve Dispatcher-Assisted First Aid for Infants with Foreign Body Airway Obstruction?…

“Do Video Calls Improve Dispatcher-Assisted First Aid for Infants with Foreign Body Airway Obstruction? A Randomized Controlled Trial/Simulation Study”

About: An interventional study performed to assess if video calls could improve the results of foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO) by bystanders on infants. One group in the study got to perform first aid with video call and one group with audio call, which were both instructed by the medical emergency dispatcher.

URL: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jnms/89/5/89_JNMS.2022_89-513/_article/-char/ja/

Language: English

Publication date: 2022

Study performed in Japan.

50 – Real-time video communication between ambulance paramedic and scene…

“Real-time video communication between ambulance paramedic and scene – a simulation-based study”

About: A study performed to assess the possibilities of real-time communication using video between paramedics and bystanders at scenes of emergencies. The study involves a simulation to assess the possibilities.

URL: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35978429/

Language: English

Publication date: 2022-08-17

Study performed in Israel.

39 – Telemedicine Can Replace the Neurologist on a Mobile Stroke Unit

“Telemedicine Can Replace the Neurologist on a Mobile Stroke Unit”

About: Research article about a comparative study where one group of stroke patients in a mobile stroke unit was examined by an onboard neurologist while the other group was examined via a telemedicine neurologist (audio and video). It was found that a telemedicine neurologist gave a reliable and accurate assessment of the stroke patient.

URL: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/STROKEAHA.116.015363

Language: English

Publication date: 2017-01-12

38 – Comparison of physician staffed emergency teams with paramedic teams assisted by telemedicine…

“Comparison of physician staffed emergency teams with paramedic teams assisted by telemedicine – a randomized, controlled simulation study”

About: A cohort study in Germany which aimed to compare a group where paramedics were assisted by an EMS physician via telemedicin and a group where the EMS physician was not remote. The telemedical functions included video streaming.

URL: https://www.resuscitationjournal.com/article/S0300-9572(12)00314-0/fulltext

Language: English

Publication date: 2012-07-03

34 – Implementation phase of a multicentre prehospital telemedicine system…

“Implementation phase of a multicentre prehospital telemedicine system to support paramedics: feasibility and possible limitations”

About: Article about a study in Germany where a telemedicine system, including audio and video streaming, was implemented in ambulances with paramedics to test the feasibility and limitations.

URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/1757-7241-21-54

Language: English

Publication date: 2013-07-11

Study performed in Germany.

33 – Live video from bystanders’ smartphones to medical dispatchers in real emergencies…

“Live video from bystanders’ smartphones to medical dispatchers in real emergencies”

About: Article about an intervention study in Denmark where the GoodSAM app was used by bystander’s to add live video streaming to emergency calls to help the EMS dispatcher make a better assessment of the injuries.

URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12873-021-00493-5

Language: English

Publication date: 2021-09-06

Study performed in Denmark.

31 – Telehealth Impact on Primary Care Related Ambulance Transports…

“Telehealth Impact on Primary Care Related Ambulance Transports”

About: A cohort study which investigated the development and impact of tele-consultations before ambulance transports to determine if the patient needed ambulance transportation. It was found that these consultations may address unnecessary ambulance transports and thereby reducing EMS costs.

URL: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10903127.2019.1568650

Language: English

Publication date: 2019-02-08

Study performed in America.