27 – PreViS – Prehospital Video i Samverkan

“PreViS – Prehospital Video i Samverkan”

About: Summary of the project PreViS (that this knowledgebase is part of) that ended in September 2022. The aim of the project was to test video consultation between ambulance personnel and physicians to assess which care level that was best suited for the patient. The article also describes the main events of the conference that was held in Gothenburg at the end of the project.

Om: Summering av projektet PreViS (som denna kunskapsbas är en del av) som var klart i september 2022. Målet med projektet var att testa videokonsultation mellan ambulanspersonal och doktorer för att bedöma vilken vårdnivå som var bäst lämpad för patienten. Artikeln beskriver också den slutkonferens som hölls i Göteborg.

URL: https://picta.lindholmen.se/sv/projekt/previs-prehospital-video-i-samverkan

Language: Swedish

Publication date: 2022

17 – Video in paramedic – Cisco

“Video in paramedic – Cisco”

About: Video demonstration of how a video solution can be used by the paramedics in an ambulance in Innlandet, Norway. The hardwares that are used for the video solution are a head camera or an installed camera in the ambulance. The software used is Cisco. This technology enables video consultation with in-hospital staff.

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VW5IokANoc

Language: Norwegian. English subtitles are available.

Publication date: 2022-11-10

42 – Digital interaction in the patient process – Prehospital decision support

“Digital interaction in the patient process – Prehospital decision support”

About: An article which explains how the Jodapro solution (head camera) was developed during a project in Norway for facilitating communication between ambulance staff and in-hospital doctors. This was part of the PreViS project.

URL: https://previs.no/article.php?id=2

Language: English

Publication date: 2022-09-11

Project in Norway.

41 – Videoassistert beslutningsstøtte i akuttkjeden

“Videoassistert beslutningsstøtte i akuttkjeden”

About: Sykehuset Innlandet in Norway made a pilot study in 2019 to assess the use of head cameras for ambulance personnel to be able to get decision support from physicians. Now the plan is to expand the use of the solution and develop it further.

URL: https://sykehuset-innlandet.no/fag-og-forskning/forskning/innovasjon/prehospital-beslutningsstotte

Language: Norwegian

Publication date: 2023-06-13

33 – Med legen på hodet

“Med legen på hodet”

About: Article about that the Norwegian hospital Sykehuset Innlandet started a pilot project in 2019 where paramedics in the ambulance were equipped with an advanced video camera on the head to enable two-way communication with specialist doctors. It is explained how the project now is starting to become more of a routine than a project.

URL: https://helseinn.net/med-legen-pa-hodet/

Language: Norwegian

Publication date: 2022-06

27 – Når Tom rykker ut med ambulansen har han med seg legen på hodet

“Når Tom rykker ut med ambulansen har han med seg legen på hodet”

About: Article about that the Norwegian hospital Sykehuset Innlandet started a pilot project in 2019 where paramedics in the ambulance were equipped with an advanced video camera on the head to enable two-way communication with specialist doctors.

URL: https://ambulanseforum.no/artikler/nar-tom-rykker-ut-med-ambulansen-har-han-med-seg-legen-pa-hodet

Language: Norwegian

Publication date: 2022-06-01