30 – ECNS Video Consultations Privacy Notice

“ECNS Video Consultations Privacy Notice”

About: News that the Welsh Ambulance Services Trust now uses video consultation software. The staff at the Emergency Operations Center can ask if the emergency caller would like to participate in a video consultation to improve the assessment. The video is not recorded but only live-streamed.

URL: https://ambulance.nhs.wales/use-of-site/privacy-policy/ecns-video-consultations-privacy-notice/

Language: English


51 – Ring 112 och visa din skada på video – larmcentralen i Västmanland testar videosamtal

“Ring 112 och visa din skada på video – larmcentralen i Västmanland testar videosamtal”

About: Article describing a pilot study performed in Västmanland, Sverige, where the personnel at the emergency medical dispatch centers could send an sms link to an emergency caller to enable video streaming in the phone call. In this way a better assessment could be done of the visual by the dispatcher.

Om: Artikel som beskriver en pilotstudie som gjordes i Västmanland där personalen på larmcentralen kunde skicka en sms-länk till en 112-inringare för att möjliggöra videostreaming i samtalet. På så sätt kunde ett bättre bedömning göras av det visuella.

URL: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/vastmanland/vastmanlands-sjukvard-ar-ett-av-de-forsta-larmcentralerna-med-videomoten

Language: Swedish

Publication date: 2022-12-21

50 – Först i landet: Nu kan du ha videosamtal med larmcentralen

“Först i landet: Nu kan du ha videosamtal med larmcentralen”

About: In Uppsala, Sweden, it is possible, since 2022, for the emergency medical dispatch center to send an sms link to an emergency caller to enable video streaming in the phone call. In this way the health care staff can better assess the patient’s injuries or condition. The article also includes a video demonstration.

Om: I Uppsala är det sedan 2022 möjligt för Sjukvårdens Larmcentral att skicka en sms-länk till en 112-inringare för att möjliggöra videostreaming i samtalet. På så sätt kan vårdpersonalen göra en bättre bedömning av tillståndet eller skadorna på inringaren. Artikeln innehåller en video demonstration.

URL: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/uppsala/uppsala-forst-i-landet-med-videosamtal-vid-larmsamtal?fbclid=IwAR2zvKBlldk5ZUA2766vmbekFa7FkBHQtSpy45NtbLwrdAGyVyJNXZ-FF5I&fs=e&s=cl

Language: Swedish

Publication date: 2022-06-30

49 – Mer enn 100 000 videooverføringer

“Mer enn 100 000 videooverføringer”

About: Article about the video solution developed by the Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation which enables video streaming in emergency calls. It has now been used 100 000 times in Norway. The article also describes that the solution enables the streaming of video from the ambulance to a doctor for example.

URL: https://ambulanseforum.no/artikler/mer-enn-100-000-videooverforinger

Language: Norwegian

Publication date: 2023-05-04

45 – Unikt projekt: Sjukvårdens drönare testar att filma olycksplatser

“Unikt projekt: Sjukvårdens drönare testar att filma olycksplatser”

About: An article about a project regarding sending out drones to film the scene of an accident to gather important information, with the aid of video, to the emergency medical dispatchers before the arrival of the ambulance. This will be used to facilitate the preparations and to optimize the resources sent out to the scene.

Om: Artikel om ett projekt som handlar om att skicka ut drönare för att filma en olycksplats för att ge viktig information, med hjälp av video, till sjukvårdens larmoperatörer innan ambulans anländer. Detta ska användas för att underlätta föreberedelsearbetet och för att optimera resurserna som behöver skickas till platsen.

URL: https://sahlgrenskaliv.se/unikt-projekt-sjukvardens-dronare-testar-att-filma-olycksplatser/

Language: Swedish

Publication date: 2023-01-04

44 – Israeli Paramedics Evaluated on Video-Call Assessment and Treatment Abilities

“Israeli Paramedics Evaluated on Video-Call Assessment and Treatment Abilities”

About: Article explaining the work of Israel’s National Emergency Medical Services where emergency call center dispatchers now are able to receive live videos from the scene from bystanders’ smartphones. It is also described how the video call could be allowed en route to the scene in the ambulance to give the paramedics a chance to begin their assessment.

URL: https://www.jems.com/patient-care/israeli-paramedics-evaluated-on-video-call-assessment-and-treatment-abilities/

Language: English

Publication date: 2022-09-16

12 – Effectiveness of Video-assisted Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

“Effectiveness of Video-assisted Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation”

About: Interventional study to investigate if video-assisted CPR is more effective than telephone-assisted or not-instructed CPR. By adding video to the call the EMS dispatchers can guide bystanders on how to perform CPR.

URL: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05639868?term=ems+AND+video&sort=nwst&draw=2&rank=7

Language: English

Start date: 2022-12-01

End date: 2023-01-23

Study performed in Hungary.

10 – Video-instructed First Aid in Emergency Medical Call Centers

“Video-instructed First Aid in Emergency Medical Call Centers”

About: Observational study that aims to investigate the potential effect of adding video streaming in emergency calls to allow the dispatcher to communicate with the bystanders of an injured person and instruct the bystanders on how to perform first aid. This was performed in Norway.

URL: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05121649?term=ambulance+AND+video&sort=nwst&draw=2&rank=6

Language: English

Start date: 2021-11-08

End date: 2023-09-30

Study performed in Norway.


9 – Dispatch of Emergency Call Using Video Streaming Compared With Traditional Telephone Communication (CAM-VISION)

“Dispatch of Emergency Call Using Video Streaming Compared With Traditional Telephone Communication (CAM-VISION)”

About: Interventional study to test video streaming in emergency calls. One group of paramedics and nurses answered emergency calls with video streaming and the other group with regular audio calls to compare if the group with video streaming could better assess the patient. The study went on for four months to collect data.

URL: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05742412?term=ambulance+AND+video&sort=nwst&draw=2&rank=1

Language: English

Start date: 2023-01-01

End date: 2023-04-30

Study performed in Denmark.

67 – Video Emergency Calls in Medical Dispatching: A Scoping Review

“Video Emergency Calls in Medical Dispatching: A Scoping Review”

About: A review article about the scope and nature of research publications about video emergency calls. The review addresses limitations and directions for adding live video from a smartphone to an emergency call.

URL: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/prehospital-and-disaster-medicine/article/abs/video-emergency-calls-in-medical-dispatching-a-scoping-review/D04F9F4981D257083E6F36A85E1D54D0

Language: English

Publication date: 2022-09-23