30 – ECNS Video Consultations Privacy Notice

“ECNS Video Consultations Privacy Notice”

About: News that the Welsh Ambulance Services Trust now uses video consultation software. The staff at the Emergency Operations Center can ask if the emergency caller would like to participate in a video consultation to improve the assessment. The video is not recorded but only live-streamed.

URL: https://ambulance.nhs.wales/use-of-site/privacy-policy/ecns-video-consultations-privacy-notice/

Language: English


27 – PreViS – Prehospital Video i Samverkan

“PreViS – Prehospital Video i Samverkan”

About: Summary of the project PreViS (that this knowledgebase is part of) that ended in September 2022. The aim of the project was to test video consultation between ambulance personnel and physicians to assess which care level that was best suited for the patient. The article also describes the main events of the conference that was held in Gothenburg at the end of the project.

Om: Summering av projektet PreViS (som denna kunskapsbas är en del av) som var klart i september 2022. Målet med projektet var att testa videokonsultation mellan ambulanspersonal och doktorer för att bedöma vilken vårdnivå som var bäst lämpad för patienten. Artikeln beskriver också den slutkonferens som hölls i Göteborg.

URL: https://picta.lindholmen.se/sv/projekt/previs-prehospital-video-i-samverkan

Language: Swedish

Publication date: 2022

21 – EMS agencies using Telehealth to avoid unnecessary hospital visits for patients

“EMS agencies using Telehealth to avoid unnecessary hospital visits for patients”

About: Video coverage where it is described how video consultation is now used to assess whether a patient needs to be brought to the hospital by the ambulance or if they can stay at home. This is to avoid unnecessary transports to the hospital and shorten the waiting times.

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6k3xJ3lfWt4

Language: English

Publication date: 2022-10-26

18 – Hawaii doctors use ambulance-based telehealth to speed up response in stroke cases

“Hawaii doctors use ambulance-based telehealth to speed up response in stroke cases”

About: Video coverage about the use of video consultation in Hawaii for a male suffering from a stroke. The coverage explains how the video call from the ambulance to a doctor got the patient to the right facility directly where he could get fast treatment.

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92GxPLCYqJQ

Language: English

Publication date: 2023-05-26

51 – Ring 112 och visa din skada på video – larmcentralen i Västmanland testar videosamtal

“Ring 112 och visa din skada på video – larmcentralen i Västmanland testar videosamtal”

About: Article describing a pilot study performed in Västmanland, Sverige, where the personnel at the emergency medical dispatch centers could send an sms link to an emergency caller to enable video streaming in the phone call. In this way a better assessment could be done of the visual by the dispatcher.

Om: Artikel som beskriver en pilotstudie som gjordes i Västmanland där personalen på larmcentralen kunde skicka en sms-länk till en 112-inringare för att möjliggöra videostreaming i samtalet. På så sätt kunde ett bättre bedömning göras av det visuella.

URL: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/vastmanland/vastmanlands-sjukvard-ar-ett-av-de-forsta-larmcentralerna-med-videomoten

Language: Swedish

Publication date: 2022-12-21

50 – Först i landet: Nu kan du ha videosamtal med larmcentralen

“Först i landet: Nu kan du ha videosamtal med larmcentralen”

About: In Uppsala, Sweden, it is possible, since 2022, for the emergency medical dispatch center to send an sms link to an emergency caller to enable video streaming in the phone call. In this way the health care staff can better assess the patient’s injuries or condition. The article also includes a video demonstration.

Om: I Uppsala är det sedan 2022 möjligt för Sjukvårdens Larmcentral att skicka en sms-länk till en 112-inringare för att möjliggöra videostreaming i samtalet. På så sätt kan vårdpersonalen göra en bättre bedömning av tillståndet eller skadorna på inringaren. Artikeln innehåller en video demonstration.

URL: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/uppsala/uppsala-forst-i-landet-med-videosamtal-vid-larmsamtal?fbclid=IwAR2zvKBlldk5ZUA2766vmbekFa7FkBHQtSpy45NtbLwrdAGyVyJNXZ-FF5I&fs=e&s=cl

Language: Swedish

Publication date: 2022-06-30

48 – North East Ambulance Service to extend telemedicine trial

“North East Ambulance Service to extend telemedicine trial”

About: Article explaining that a telemedicine trial in England for the North East Ambulance Service has been extended. During 2022 ambulance personnel will be able to video call stroke units directly to assess the patients visually to decide if the patient needs to proceed to the stroke unit or can be seen at the emergency department instead.

URL: https://www.digitalhealth.net/2022/07/north-east-ambulance-service-telemedicine/

Language: English

Publication date: 2022-07-28

Trial in England.

46 – Vuzix tries out smart glasses for emergency medical care in Japan

“Vuzix tries out smart glasses for emergency medical care in Japan”

About: Article describing that Smart Glasses is a new tool used in ambulances in Japan to enable two-way audio and video communication with doctors and nurses in the hospitals. The goal of the trial is to shorten the decision-making process and decide on preliminary treatments for the patients before their arrival at the hospital.

URL: https://www.mobihealthnews.com/news/asia/vuzix-tries-out-smart-glasses-emergency-medical-care-japan

Language: English

Publication date: 2022-08-17

Trial in Japan.

3 – Simulering i projektet Videostöd för prehospital bedömning av barn

“Simulering i projektet Videostöd för prehospital bedömning av barn”

About: Article about the simulation that was performed in the project ‘Videostöd för prehospital bedömning av barn’. During the simulation two different hardwares were tested: the head camera JodaPro and a mobile phone camera to be able to simulate a scenario where video consultation could be used between the ambulance and the emergency department for children in VGR.

Om: Artikel om den simulering som utfördes i projektet ‘Videostöd för prehospital bedömning av barn’. I simuleringen testades två olika hårdvaror: huvudkameran JodaPro och en mobiltelefonkamera för att kunna simulera ett scenario där videokonsultation kunde utnyttjas mellan ambulans och barnakuten i VGR.

URL: https://picta.lindholmen.se/sv/nyheter/simulering-i-projektet-videostod-prehospital-bedomning-av-barn

Language: Swedish

Publication date: 2023-04-18

2 – Flera barn kan slippa sjukhus när videostöd i ambulans blir verklighet

“Flera barn kan slippa sjukhus när videostöd i ambulans blir verklighet”

About: Article describing the project “Videostöd är prehospital bedömning av barn” that is performed by Sahlgrenska ambulanssjukvården, Drottning Silvias Barn och Ungdomssjukhus (DSBUS) and PICTA Prehospital Innovationsarena. The aim of the project is to examine the possibilities of adding video to today’s consultation calls between the ambulance and DSBUS. Since children rarely have the need for ambulance care a lot of them are being undertriaged or overtriaged and video could then be used to reduce this.

Om: Artikel som beskriver projektet “Videostöd för prehospital bedömning av barn” som utförs av Sahlgrenska ambulanssjukvården, Drottning Silvias Barn och Ungdomssjukhus (DSBUS) och PICTA Prehospital Innovationsarena. Syftet med projektet är att undersöka möjligheterna med att addera video till de konsultationssamtal som sker idag mellan ambulansen och DSBUS. Då barn sällan har behov av ambulanssjukvård undertriageras eller övertriageras många barn idag och där skulle video kunna minska detta.

URL: https://s112.se/2023/04/26/nr-1-2023-digital-publikation/, page 15

Language: Swedish

Publication date: 2023-04-26