2 – Interview: Roger Lee Heath’s LifeBot and Super Ambulances

“Interview: Roger Lee Heath’s LifeBot and Super Ambulances”

About: Article about the so called Super Ambulances that has been tested in Texas and are equipped with video cameras that can live stream from inside the ambulance to make it possible for doctors to assist with diagnosis support. This has helped in many ways: it has reduced the unnecessary transports to hospitals with ambulance, the paramedics can perform certain treatments in the ambulance with the support from a doctor and the video consultation gives information to the hospital before the patient arrives.

URL: https://www.mobihealthnews.com/10052/interview-roger-lee-heaths-lifebot-and-super-ambulances

Language: English

Publication date: 2011-01-26

Study performed in America.

4 – Patient-oriented Emergency Care – a Telemedical Rescue Assistance System…

“Patient-oriented Emergency Care – a Telemedical Rescue Assistance System”

About: Research article about the TemRas project in Germany 2012 where ambulances were equipped with video and audio streaming possiblities to be able to consult with an EMS-physician in the hospital en route to the hospital.

URL: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/bmt-2012-4538/html

Language: English

Publication date: 2012-09-07

Study performed in Germany.

3 – The Telemedical Rescue Assistance System “TemRas”…

“The Telemedical Rescue Assistance System “TemRas” – development, first results, and impact”

About: Article which summarizes the German project TemRas which aimed to support the EMS teams with a tele-EMS-physician so that they could get a consultation from the hospital via video when they were out in the field.

URL: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/bmt-2013-0025/html

Language: English

Publication date: 2014-01-18

Study performed in Germany.

2 – Analgesia by telemedically supported paramedics compared with physician-administered analgesia…

“Analgesia by telemedically supported paramedics compared with physician-administered analgesia: A prospective, interventional, multicentre trial”

About: A study performed in Germany 2012 where 5 ambulances were telemedically equipped with video streaming among other things to make it possible for paramedics to delegate analgesia. Part of the TemRas project in Germany.

URL: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26914284/

Language: English

Publication date: 2016-08-20

Study performed in Germany.

1 – Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome by Telemedically Supported Paramedics Compared…

“Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome by Telemedically Supported Paramedics Compared With Physician-Based Treatment: A Prospective, Interventional, Multicenter Trial”

About: A study performed in Germany 2012 where 5 ambulances were telemedically equipped with video streaming gear among other things to make it possible for paramedics to treat Acute Coronary Syndrome. Part of the TemRas project in Germany.

URL: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27908843/

Language: English

Publication date: 2016-12-01

Study performed in Germany.

34 – Implementation phase of a multicentre prehospital telemedicine system…

“Implementation phase of a multicentre prehospital telemedicine system to support paramedics: feasibility and possible limitations”

About: Article about a study in Germany where a telemedicine system, including audio and video streaming, was implemented in ambulances with paramedics to test the feasibility and limitations.

URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/1757-7241-21-54

Language: English

Publication date: 2013-07-11

Study performed in Germany.

33 – Live video from bystanders’ smartphones to medical dispatchers in real emergencies…

“Live video from bystanders’ smartphones to medical dispatchers in real emergencies”

About: Article about an intervention study in Denmark where the GoodSAM app was used by bystander’s to add live video streaming to emergency calls to help the EMS dispatcher make a better assessment of the injuries.

URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12873-021-00493-5

Language: English

Publication date: 2021-09-06

Study performed in Denmark.

30 – Utilization, Safety, and Technical Performance of a Telemedicine System for Prehospital Emergency Care…

“Utilization, Safety, and Technical Performance of a Telemedicine System for Prehospital Emergency Care: Observational Study”

About: An observational retrospective study which analyses all telemedical consultations from the ambulance (audio and video) during 2014-2017 in Germany, Aachen.

URL: https://www.jmir.org/2019/10/e14907/

Language: English

Publication date: 2019-10-08

Study performed in Germany.


29 – A research proposition for using high definition video in emergency medical services…

“A research proposition for using high definition video in emergency medical services”

About: This paper proposes the relay of high definition video between the ambulance crew and the hospital using public internet infrastructure through utilising a virtual path slice controller as well as it proposes a set of criteria for evaluating the use of video.

URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S221188371300035X

Language: English

Publication date: 2013-04-01