64 – Video from the emergency scene before ambulance arrival – Introducing, analyzing, and understanding video to…

“Video from the emergency scene before ambulance arrival – Introducing, analyzing, and understanding video to the medical dispatcher with focus on cardiac arrest”

About: Article about how video can be streamed from emergency scenes before the arrival of the ambulance. The focus of the article is patients with cardiac arrest.

URL: https://research.regionh.dk/en/publications/video-from-the-emergency-scene-before-ambulance-arrival-introduci

Language: English

Publication date: 2022-02-04

61 – EMS-RTC: LSTM-based Adaptive Video Streaming for Smart Ambulance

“EMS-RTC: LSTM-based Adaptive Video Streaming for Smart Ambulance”

About: An article that describes the development of EMS-RTC which is a real-time video streaming platform specialized for the need of ambulance services. The paper explains the procedure of developing the platform and compared the platform with a state-of-the-art adaptive bitrate algorithm in real-world driving scenarios.

URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10136348?casa_token=bBPTh4CYoJMAAAAA:CwwynJeHnMyb0uo8Hw3NvkiD45e-cYWaTfhmHzBVkhyqXxLp0f2gHCD7MVSqxA9EpGSnV_BDlw

Language: English

Publication date: 2023-06-01

60 – Are smart glasses feasible for dispatch prehospital assistance during on-boat cardiac arrest?…

“Are smart glasses feasible for dispatch prehospital assistance during on-boat cardiac arrest? A pilot simulation study with fishermen”

About: A pilot study to examine the feasibility of life support for CPR performed by bystanders and guided by a dispatcher through Smart Glasses. The study focused on fisherman bystanders. By using Smart Glasses the bystanders could be guided to perform the basic life support.

URL: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37014496/

Language: English

Publication date: 2023-04-04

30 – Paramedics try out Google Glass in ambulances

“Paramedics try out Google Glass in ambulances”

About: Article about the potential of Google Glass’ to allow paramedics to transmit live video and audio from an ambulance to a doctor in an emergency room. This will give the paramedics an extra pair of eyes to help the ambulance staff with diagnosis support and treatment that can be done in the ambulance. This is much cheaper and portable than other videoconferencing equipments.

URL: https://www.seattletimes.com/business/paramedics-try-out-google-glass-in-ambulances/

Language: English

Publication date: 2014-08-12

19 – Government plans to put calls by emergency services on mobile networks

“Government plans to put calls by emergency services on mobile networks”

About: Article about the fact that the UK government wants to put emergency calls on the same mobile network as the public (new 4G technology). They believe that this new faster network could be used to stream videos live from the ambulance to inform the doctors in the hospital and get diagnosis support early on.

URL: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/mar/09/government-plans-emergency-services-calls-mobile-networks

Language: English

Publication date: 2014-03-09

4 – GoodSAM Website

About: Website about the GoodSAM app which provides the ability for emergency callers to share live video from their mobile on the scene. This can be viewed in the ambulance and thereby the staff can assess the scene before they arrive.

URL: https://www.goodsamapp.org/

Language: English

4 – Kameror på ambulanser ska filma olycksplatser

“Kameror på ambulanser ska filma olycksplatser”

Om: Radioreportage om att kameror ska placeras på ambulansers tak för att möjliggöra live streaming till sjukhus vid stora olyckor. Med hjälp av detta kommer sjukhuspersonal kunna förbereda sig och utvärdera omfånget av olyckan, t.ex. en stor bilolycka, och sedan planera för hur många patienter som kan komma in till sjukhuset.

About: Radio coverage about cameras being placed on ambulances’ roof in Sweden to be able to live stream to the hospital from a big accident. In this way hospital staff will be able to assess the extent of the accident for example a major car crash, and then plan for how many injured people that might be coming in.

URL: https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/6053780

Language: Swedish

Publication date: 2014-12-23

29 – Å flytte sykehus i stedet for pasient

“Å flytte sykehus i stedet for pasient”

About: Article about the need, for ambulances, of a robust, stable and secure connection to other health services in Norway. With aid from Hälsa Midt-Norge this will be realised to move the hospital to the patient and not the other way around. This communication solution will be implemented in new cars and this will enable video streaming and other prehospital services.

URL: https://ambulanseforum.no/artikler/a-flytte-sykehus-i-stedet-for-pasient

Language: Norwegian

Publication date: 2021-03-12